Top Rated
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Software

End-to-End Net Promoter Score Survey and Analytics

NPS Survey

Measure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and trust with a single number.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) provides a wealth of data through one simple, direct question, which you can amplify with meaningful follow-ups. Unlock valuable communication with a conversational NPS survey that instantly identifies your brand’s promoters, passive customers, and detractors.

Reach Your Participants Anytime, Anywhere

Time and place are everything. Qwary supports multiple touchpoints through several platforms, so you can connect with customers in more ways than ever before. Utilize Qwary’s automatic trigger system to collect a wealth of NPS survey data with higher rates of engagement. You can even match the NPS survey to specific points in the customer journey and measure results over time.

Email Surveys

Custom from start to finish – invitations, reminders, and thanks.

Email Surveys
Text Message Surveys

Text Message Surveys

Engage more directly, via SMS

Video NPS Survey

Connect with your audience face to face and measure your overall customer & employee pulse

Multi-Language NPS Surveys

Measure brand loyalty around the world and kickstart the translation process. With Qwary, you can translate entire surveys with the click of a button. Seamlessly compose your NPS survey and follow-up questions in more than 100 languages using AI-driven, responsive translation tools.

Multi-Language NPS Surveys
Immediate Follow-Up

Immediate Follow-Up

Qwary turns insights into action - literally. Personalize the user experience with follow-up questions and closing pages based on the customer’s score. This conversational approach brings NPS surveys into the modern age and creates a more genuine, personal experience for participants. Qwary’s visual question designer allows you to work with a birds-eye view of your NPS questionnaire, so you can easily plan the survey’s flow and catch mistakes for an error-free experience.

Instant Analytics

View a snapshot of your NPS score results and updates on your dashboard NPS View.

Compare NPS variables to reveal hidden trends and subtle participant behaviours.

Watch positive and negative trends with pre-configured emotion visualizations.

Use sentimental analysis to identify exactly what's driving your NPS score up or down.

Identify detractors with real-time alerts and analytic tracking for negative responses.

Sort and analyze feedback with automatic text analysis and comment tagging.

Narrow your analytics and take a detailed approach with advanced NPS filters.

Instant Analytics

Beyond the Score

Qwary makes it easy to learn from your customers and build a loyal following. The net promoter system® is so much more than a simple 1 -10 scale. Leverage best-practice strategies to turn customer feedback into your most useful asset.
Create Brand Ambassadors
Focus on what’s working and get a look inside the features that your customers love most. Studies have shown that nearly 70% of customers are more likely to purchase a product if their friend talked about it on social media or personally shared it in an email. Identify your most satisfied customers and use their positive experience to boost your referral marketing strategy like never before.
Identify Ways to Improve
Whether your customer ratings were lower than anticipated, or the survey tracked a zero score, Qwary allows you to turn a bad experience into the key to your success. Home in on customer experiences to identify weak points and make improvement plans that are rooted in real-world data.
Prioritize Detractors
The NPS® survey gives you the tools to isolate problems, so you can reach out to detractors and improve their experience or follow up with customer service to make them feel heard and valued. Take a proactive approach to reduce churn and prevent unhappy customers from sharing negative messages about your company.
Plan for the Future
In addition to creating referral clients, brand loyalty is also an effective way to predict churn. Customer loyalty rates influence the likelihood that they will continue their subscription and repurchase from you. Automatic response tagging can help you analyze the most important factors that influence an on-the-fence customer to stay loyal.

Better Understand and Serve Your
Target Audience with Qwary