Website Feedback

Instant Website Feedback

Streamline and improve your website experience for more conversions and sales.

Website Feedback

Collect insights from website visitors in real time

Create Winning Experiences
A feedback widget capturing real-time user insights at moments of friction helps you identify and address pain points, capturing user insights at moments of friction helps identify and address pain points, enhance satisfaction, and deliver tailored solutions, creating positive and winning experiences.
Set up in Seconds
Set up our feedback widget in seconds with our JavaScript SDK. Integrate it into your product in under five minutes to capture real-time user feedback effortlessly. Start enhancing your product instantly with this quick and seamless setup.
Listen and Learn
Listen and learn from your users, capture real-time insights to understand user needs, preferences, and pain points. Use these insights to make informed decisions, optimize your product, and continuously improve the user experience.
A Better Way to Ask for Feedback

Use the website feedback button to kickstart the conversation.

With Qwary, you can choose the exact moment and digital location to collect your feedback. Full-screen pop-ups? Embedded surveys? Interactive video bubbles? You decide. Customize the feedback button with a design that’s both eye-catching and cohesive.

Use the website feedback button to kickstart the conversation
Time-Saving, Cost-Efficient Fixes
Time-Saving, Cost-Efficient Fixes

With visual user feedback, you can eliminate the guesswork and assess problems more clearly.

Collect more meaningful input for websites with real-time screenshots. Visual website feedback allows you to spot technical bugs, fix design flaws, and make proactive UX changes with pinpoint accuracy. More than just secondhand insights – Qwary unlocks their viewpoint.

Assess with Context

Use intelligent targeting to ask the right questions at the perfect time.

How does website feedback relate to your NPS, CSAT, and CX scores? Qwary connects the dots with intelligent targeting. Measure the user experience on a micro level - page by page, module by module. Then look at the bigger picture and adjust strategies to reduce your drop rate and increase conversions.

Use intelligent targeting to ask the right questions at the perfect time
Qwary Setup and Dashboard
Intuitive Data with Total Control

Qwary Setup and Dashboard

Bring everyone on board with shareable reports and intuitive analytics. Qwary integrations close the feedback loop to collect, utilize, share, and act on data more efficiently at every step. Open the dashboard to change settings, activate email notifications, export data, filter results, and more!

Kickstart the Conversation

Discover exactly what they’re looking for, then deliver! Website surveys create real-world engagement in the online space.