Square + Qwary

Better feedback, service, and sales – Qwary helps you keep moving forward.

You’ve already found the perfect solution for online sales and payments. Now it’s time to get closer to your customers. Qwary is the first and only Square customer feedback tool that plugs right into your website with a single click.

Square Online Feedback

Start Building Loyalty… Instantly!

Start building loyalty

Discover what’s working and address what’s not – all without adding to your to-do list. The most successful small businesses listen, adapt, and keep people coming back. Square customer feedback is your secret to success.

You can build and deploy a responsive, conversational survey in minutes. Then, see it published live on your Square Online website with a single click! No coding or technical know-how required.

Get More Facetime with Square Online

Qwary is the fastest way to collect feedback with Square. With modern, responsive design and customizable settings, you’ll always get more meaningful answers.

Embedded Surveys

Add a popup or sidebar widget to your Square Online store and ask about anything from the online ordering experience and menu to delivery expectations. With a video bubble, you can attract attention and capitalize on what makes small business so special – personal service and a team that customers can trust.

Embedded Surveys
Video Surveys

Video Surveys

Ask and collect feedback like a real, face-to-face conversation. With Qwary, Square Online customer feedback is so much more personal and engaging.

Email Campaigns

Use Square + Qwary to collect high-value feedback in emails and show loyal customers that you’re always listening.

Email Campaigns
Text Surveys

Text Surveys

Square already captures customer phone numbers – now you can make the most of it. Automatically send text surveys line-by-line for maximum engagement.

QR Codes

Blend in-person feedback with your Square Online shop. Qwary does all the heavy lifting for you with easy-to-scan surveys and easy-to-understand analytics.

QR Codes
Feedback for Positive Growth

Feedback for Positive Growth

Close the feedback loop and make real-time changes that increase your profit potential. As a small business, you need to make every day and dollar count!

By automating your Square Online feedback
, you can spend more building and less time worrying. Get instant alerts to assist dissatisfied customers, automatically ask loyal patrons to leave a positive video review, and more.

Listen, assist, and fix with Qwary. Our end-to-end integrations connect you with the tools that your business needs to flourish.

Better Understand and Serve Your Customers with Qwary